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Security guards chi flat irons gang Fu up, one does not know how to do it, there was a cry, and quickly hit 120, did not have these people lined up starting, evil momentum, of course, this message is received in CHI , the helicopter has gone.Just go out and clean up the scene, there is no danger of such a thing, of course, should show his face. the CHI Daddy Niubi Donghonghong led a major

Jin'an club background, special forces chi straighteners not catch, did not dare to grasp, but these police officers, CHI still do not pay too much attention.Results of group police awkward half-day did not go up, and finally someone shout their own talents to the second floor, this time, CHI's son, almost unrecognizable out CHI heart that hurts.

Resistant to more people, it did not go holding coax. Facing the people around, said: "Who did this? Who?" Gas trembling chi flat iron gone! "When people speak, others voice trailed more rushes, CHI not.Such a big thing, the person in charge of the club Jin'an driven over the originally CHI he is absolutely not offended, but the elite forces.

